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Joey slams back a few tall boys.

Hey bud. Lets party!

This week, everyone is stressed, or “tense” if you prefer.  Jack is smart but wants to enjoy his last year of high school and has been putting off his college apps.  Dawson isn’t sure where he’s going, even though everyone else is sure he’s going to film school.  Joey is the most stressed of all because she’s only 4th in the class and really has been spending all her extra time in the bone zone with her new boy toy (not really) instead of building her extra carriculers, Pacey is remarkably chill for someone who is failing out of high school, and of course Andie McPhee has this stish on lock.  What is the best cure for some high school stress?  Did anyone answer “warm keg swill”?  You are correct!  Drue throws a party and everyone, Joey in particular, decides to postpone their problems for another day and throw back some tall boys.  If you like drunk Joey eps, this one’s for you.