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Two Guys, a girl, and a taco.

This scene alone might have earned Kerr Smith the award for our favorite cast member turned director.

The strange pattern continues, and we are back to season six. Thankfully we get to watch one of the few from that season that we haven’t seen yet, which brings us to Everything Put Together Falls Apart.   A-plot features Joey and Eddie heading down to bone town, which causes Joey to miss her important test.  She fails, and naturally takes it out on the boy who boned her down when she should have been boning up on her test taking skills.  B-plot consists of Pacey taking the lovely maybe-British Emma to a sleazy stockbroker party where there is a pool going on who has the hottest date.  Emma turns out to be a handful and Pacey has to wrangle her, while not pissing off his jerk boss.  Fun!  C-Plot is Dawson worried about his actress girlfriend cheating on him with a more famous actor, woohoo? We comment with excellence and precision as usual, so even though it’s sixth season, you’re in for a ride.  Buckle up.